
Correlation between Oil and the Bullion Markets

Correlation between Oil and the Bullion Markets - Reference MCX data (S. Mandgi)

This is a statistical analysis of the MCX exchange to identify whether any correlation exists between the Oil Prices and the Bullion Prices ( Gold & Silver).  This method using regression analysis. The information table for analysis has been chosen from their website

Main Data 

Crude Oil (Rs. In Lakhs)/Lots Silver(Rs in Lakhs)/Lots Gold (Rs in Lakhs)/Lots Month-Year
57630.65 1311280.45 554577.04 Feb-2005
132362.24 1492926 692900.02 Mar-2005
275824.58 1391875.57 513792.54 Apr-2005
403515.63 1361542.78 696960.07 May-2005
1025834.1 1530791.54 848613.35 Jun-2005
1955893.08 1083342.58 994230.52 Jul-2005
2740941.84 1270751.68 953765.39 Aug-2005
2688590.89 1807579.75 2414181.78 Sep-2005
2010215.72 2422228.53 2199385.07 Oct-2005
1450380.75 2368303.4 2608423.58 Nov-2005
1029696.14 3223181.11 4894473.86 Dec-2005
948291.3 3494238.83 6556802.61 Jan-2006
1194250.92 1938536.58 5758718.57 Feb-2006
1330380.32 3896481.39 7748336.67 Mar-2006
738551.33 7207205.98 7475297.91 Apr-2006
651179.87 6071277.89 10150417.59 May-2006
424607.95 4258583.65 7717549.93 Jun-2006
614862.02 3598952.08 10028712.99 Jul-2006
836074.24 4779742.73 8074195.27 Aug-2006
1275558.91 4868747.28 8681169.95 Sep-2006
1679149.03 4294365.09 7805387.14 Oct-2006
1699163.27 4379644.26 7008183.53 Nov-2006
1640493.16 4676568.52 4840012.05 Dec-2006
2529211.67 5585620.84 5645149.58 Jan-2007
2730830.15 5529072.42 6308839.1 Feb-2007
3325369.62 5944265.01 7022558.62 Mar-2007
2538789.71 4388504.49 4408963.36 Apr-2007
2444850.23 3873709.88 5381761.44 May-2007
2791854.09 4038947.14 4719385.77 Jun-2007
3512484.88 3539597.49 4829088.89 Jul-2007
4071387.43 4387989.95 4229747.79 Aug-2007
3176323.04 4222007.29 5810271.62 Sep-2007
4684780.59 5239697.55 8285033.18 Oct-2007
5154108.34 6628808.93 10386144.1 Nov-2007
5153276.59 4046305.1 7759148.93 Dec-2007
4671822.02 7085404.22 16669925.31 Jan-2008
4468044.92 7292145.03 14260015.15 Feb-2008
5275426.22 9216822.67 13868565.59 Mar-2008
5446577.38 6453967.32 10250063.16 Apr-2008
9230304 5560380.3 10579252.85 May-2008
11287930.81 6558813.86 13113103.07 Jun-2008
10822279.05 8494148.23 20076066.06 Jul-2008
7502891.61 7401530.05 16215325.61 Aug-2008
8953858.65 8931120.14 21524528.53 Sep-2008
6138823.07 6926098.73 16871983.04 Oct-2008
5377674.75 4959711.67 13718417.16 Nov-2008
6771616.16 5100578.99 16907140.81 Dec-2008
7938402.13 6776131.8 21051503.32 Jan-2009
6849426.38 7803863.21 23338041.32 Feb-2009
10782770.57 7749670.76 27457088.19 Mar-2009
9238346.15 5494679.24 15955495.1 Apr-2009
9712546.9 6631683.55 14787281.64 May-2009
11477869.1 9469903.46 13883118.96 Jun-2009
12887544.02 5741728.91 11108629.67 Jul-2009
11608057.38 7520559.45 9010227.1 Aug-2009
9671127.28 11028454.07 14016511.44 Sep-2009
10851078.38 10479374.66 13916734.13 Oct-2009
10802349.01 12602072.36 19219496.25 Nov-2009
9201447.36 11794199.6 24053481.19 Dec-2009
7473491.39 10482991.43 17801540.04 Jan-2010
9057913.3 11954575.34 19349438.54 Feb-2010
9922781.06 10970500.76 19118760.08 Mar-2010
10553054.42 9914325.4 16279630.38 Apr-2010
12420880.72 12532951.8 24456913.5 May-2010
12771847.37 13589497.77 26575953.66 Jun-2010
15920474.97 12518705.45 24563715.66 Jul-2010
16887973.8 13991490.84 19092471.64 Aug-2010
16708048.76 14978165.88 20256126.44 Sep-2010
8436735.54 13124421.01 12299375.15 Oct-2010


Crude Oil Silver Gold
Mean 5739683.03 6395410.75 11241276.8
Median 4684780.59 5585620.84 10150417.6
Stddev 4557905.36 3595434.41 7291780.66

To begin our analysis we plot the TAnalysis for the Oil Prices, Gold Prices to have a first understanding whether our analysis approximation makes sense.

Then we try and combine the trend analysis for oil and the bullion markets during the same period of analysis.
The plot is as shown and the data used further confirms our views and we get follows :-

Month-Year Gold (Rs in Lakhs)/Lots Crude Oil (Rs. In Lakhs)/Lots Silver(Rs in Lakhs)/Lots
Feb-2005 554577.04 57630.65 1311280.45
Mar-2005 692900.02 132362.24 1492926
Apr-2005 513792.54 275824.58 1391875.57
May-2005 696960.07 403515.63 1361542.78
Jun-2005 848613.35 1025834.1 1530791.54
Jul-2005 994230.52 1955893.08 1083342.58
Aug-2005 953765.39 2740941.84 1270751.68
Sep-2005 2414181.78 2688590.89 1807579.75
Oct-2005 2199385.07 2010215.72 2422228.53
Nov-2005 2608423.58 1450380.75 2368303.4
Dec-2005 4894473.86 1029696.14 3223181.11
Jan-2006 6556802.61 948291.3 3494238.83
Feb-2006 5758718.57 1194250.92 1938536.58
Mar-2006 7748336.67 1330380.32 3896481.39
Apr-2006 7475297.91 738551.33 7207205.98
May-2006 10150417.59 651179.87 6071277.89
Jun-2006 7717549.93 424607.95 4258583.65
Jul-2006 10028712.99 614862.02 3598952.08
Aug-2006 8074195.27 836074.24 4779742.73
Sep-2006 8681169.95 1275558.91 4868747.28
Oct-2006 7805387.14 1679149.03 4294365.09
Nov-2006 7008183.53 1699163.27 4379644.26
Dec-2006 4840012.05 1640493.16 4676568.52
Jan-2007 5645149.58 2529211.67 5585620.84
Feb-2007 6308839.1 2730830.15 5529072.42
Mar-2007 7022558.62 3325369.62 5944265.01
Apr-2007 4408963.36 2538789.71 4388504.49
May-2007 5381761.44 2444850.23 3873709.88
Jun-2007 4719385.77 2791854.09 4038947.14
Jul-2007 4829088.89 3512484.88 3539597.49
Aug-2007 4229747.79 4071387.43 4387989.95
Sep-2007 5810271.62 3176323.04 4222007.29
Oct-2007 8285033.18 4684780.59 5239697.55
Nov-2007 10386144.1 5154108.34 6628808.93
Dec-2007 7759148.93 5153276.59 4046305.1
Jan-2008 16669925.31 4671822.02 7085404.22
Feb-2008 14260015.15 4468044.92 7292145.03
Mar-2008 13868565.59 5275426.22 9216822.67
Apr-2008 10250063.16 5446577.38 6453967.32
May-2008 10579252.85 9230304 5560380.3
Jun-2008 13113103.07 11287930.81 6558813.86
Jul-2008 20076066.06 10822279.05 8494148.23
Aug-2008 16215325.61 7502891.61 7401530.05
Sep-2008 21524528.53 8953858.65 8931120.14
Oct-2008 16871983.04 6138823.07 6926098.73
Nov-2008 13718417.16 5377674.75 4959711.67
Dec-2008 16907140.81 6771616.16 5100578.99
Jan-2009 21051503.32 7938402.13 6776131.8
Feb-2009 23338041.32 6849426.38 7803863.21
Mar-2009 27457088.19 10782770.57 7749670.76
Apr-2009 15955495.1 9238346.15 5494679.24
May-2009 14787281.64 9712546.9 6631683.55
Jun-2009 13883118.96 11477869.1 9469903.46
Jul-2009 11108629.67 12887544.02 5741728.91
Aug-2009 9010227.1 11608057.38 7520559.45
Sep-2009 14016511.44 9671127.28 11028454.07
Oct-2009 13916734.13 10851078.38 10479374.66
Nov-2009 19219496.25 10802349.01 12602072.36
Dec-2009 24053481.19 9201447.36 11794199.6
Jan-2010 17801540.04 7473491.39 10482991.43
Feb-2010 19349438.54 9057913.3 11954575.34
Mar-2010 19118760.08 9922781.06 10970500.76
Apr-2010 16279630.38 10553054.42 9914325.4
May-2010 24456913.5 12420880.72 12532951.8
Jun-2010 26575953.66 12771847.37 13589497.77
Jul-2010 24563715.66 15920474.97 12518705.45
Aug-2010 19092471.64 16887973.8 13991490.84
Sep-2010 20256126.44 16708048.76 14978165.88
Oct-2010 12299375.15 8436735.54 13124421.01

Using Excel to calculate the regression analysis we get ;-

Univariate Stat
Crude Oil (Rs. In Lakhs)
Gold (Rs in Lakhs)
Silver(Rs in Lakhs)
Crude Oil (Rs. In Lakhs)
Crude Oil (Rs. In Lakhs)
Crude Oil (Rs. In Lakhs)
Crude Oil (Rs. In Lakhs)
Crude Oil (Rs. In Lakhs)
Crude Oil (Rs. In Lakhs)
Crude Oil (Rs. In Lakhs)
Gold (Rs in Lakhs)
Gold (Rs in Lakhs)
Gold (Rs in Lakhs)
Gold (Rs in Lakhs)
Gold (Rs in Lakhs)
Gold (Rs in Lakhs)
Gold (Rs in Lakhs)
Silver(Rs in Lakhs)
Silver(Rs in Lakhs)
Silver(Rs in Lakhs)
Silver(Rs in Lakhs)
Silver(Rs in Lakhs)
Silver(Rs in Lakhs)
Silver(Rs in Lakhs)
the p value < 0.05 indicates that the data used for the analysis is good and is acceptable as the sample population for our regression analysis.

Crude Oil (Rs. In Lakhs) Gold (Rs in Lakhs) Silver(Rs in Lakhs) Fitted Residual

57630.65 554577.04 1311280.45 -38542.49 96173.14

132362.24 692900.02 1492926 118066.96 14295.28

275824.58 513792.54 1391875.57 10035.89 265788.69

403515.63 696960.07 1361542.78 26099.8 377415.83

1025834.1 848613.35 1530791.54 176681.48 849152.62

1955893.08 994230.52 1083342.58 -109555.91 2065448.99

2740941.84 953765.39 1270751.68 14532.3 2726409.54

2688590.89 2414181.78 1807579.75 692602.66 1995988.23

2010215.72 2199385.07 2422228.53 1082777.2 927438.52

1450380.75 2608423.58 2368303.4 1128405.93 321974.82

1029696.14 4894473.86 3223181.11 2200100.46 -1170404.32

948291.3 6556802.61 3494238.83 2731777.8 -1783486.5

1194250.92 5758718.57 1938536.58 1469617.96 -275367.04

1330380.32 7748336.67 3896481.39 3259756.72 -1929376.4

738551.33 7475297.91 7207205.98 5542293.35 -4803742.02

651179.87 10150417.59 6071277.89 5287479.15 -4636299.28

424607.95 7717549.93 4258583.65 3509214.41 -3084606.46

614862.02 10028712.99 3598952.08 3516326.08 -2901464.06

836074.24 8074195.27 4779742.73 3950311.32 -3114237.08

1275558.91 8681169.95 4868747.28 4137404.75 -2861845.84

1679149.03 7805387.14 4294365.09 3552464.85 -1873315.82

1699163.27 7008183.53 4379644.26 3449537.17 -1750373.9

1640493.16 4840012.05 4676568.52 3215505.15 -1575011.99

2529211.67 5645149.58 5585620.84 4022369.21 -1493157.54

2730830.15 6308839.1 5529072.42 4118263.89 -1387433.74

3325369.62 7022558.62 5944265.01 4557596.46 -1232226.84

2538789.71 4408963.36 4388504.49 2923819.11 -385029.4

2444850.23 5381761.44 3873709.88 2759311.53 -314461.3

2791854.09 4719385.77 4038947.14 2740454.46 51399.63

3512484.88 4829088.89 3539597.49 2410208.33 1102276.55

4071387.43 4229747.79 4387989.95 2886776.06 1184611.37

3176323.04 5810271.62 4222007.29 3093021.84 83301.2

4684780.59 8285033.18 5239697.55 4318336.61 366443.98

5154108.34 10386144.1 6628808.93 5729518.01 -575409.67

5153276.59 7759148.93 4046305.1 3367792.57 1785484.02

4671822.02 16669925.31 7085404.22 7338105.19 -2666283.17

4468044.92 14260015.15 7292145.03 6990899.05 -2522854.13

5275426.22 13868565.59 9216822.67 8270213.24 -2994787.02

5446577.38 10250063.16 6453967.32 5578173.16 -131595.78

9230304 10579252.85 5560380.3 5014392.53 4215911.47

11287930.81 13113103.07 6558813.86 6238199.52 5049731.29

10822279.05 20076066.06 8494148.23 9030250.77 1792028.28

7502891.61 16215325.61 7401530.05 7468348.19 34543.42

8953858.65 21524528.53 8931120.14 9635344.51 -681485.86

6138823.07 16871983.04 6926098.73 7266939.8 -1128116.73

5377674.75 13718417.16 4959711.67 5232615.72 145059.03

6771616.16 16907140.81 5100578.99 5984741.06 786875.1

7938402.13 21051503.32 6776131.8 8016428.13 -78026

6849426.38 23338041.32 7803863.21 9210311.87 -2360885.49

10782770.57 27457088.19 7749670.76 10015070.33 767700.24

9238346.15 15955495.1 5494679.24 6068329.45 3170016.7

9712546.9 14787281.64 6631683.55 6632318.7 3080228.2

11477869.1 13883118.96 9469903.46 8451946.94 3025922.16

12887544.02 11108629.67 5741728.91 5250828.3 7636715.72

11608057.38 9010227.1 7520559.45 6077770.31 5530287.07

9671127.28 14016511.44 11028454.07 9580077.8 91049.48

10851078.38 13916734.13 10479374.66 9171832.86 1679245.52

10802349.01 19219496.25 12602072.36 11756432.55 -954083.54

9201447.36 24053481.19 11794199.6 12175178.97 -2973731.61

7473491.39 17801540.04 10482991.43 9969481.39 -2495990

9057913.3 19349438.54 11954575.34 11325689.81 -2267776.51

9922781.06 19118760.08 10970500.76 10583409.46 -660628.4

10553054.42 16279630.38 9914325.4 9256337.67 1296716.75

12420880.72 24456913.5 12532951.8 12779541.24 -358660.52

12771847.37 26575953.66 13589497.77 13959495.79 -1187648.42

15920474.97 24563715.66 12518705.45 12791337.75 3129137.22

16887973.8 19092471.64 13991490.84 12711803.68 4176170.12

16708048.76 20256126.44 14978165.88 13646870.81 3061177.95

8436735.54 12299375.15 13124421.01 10709051.29 -2272315.75


2 2

0 0

0 0

Model Term Coefficient DoF Error_DoF F[Type I] P[Type I] F[Type III] p[Type III]
Intercept -1078225.24

Gold (Rs in Lakhs) 0.2 1 66 0.6938 149.52 0.0000 7.7 0.0072
Silver(Rs in Lakhs) 0.71 1 66 0.2525 22.3 0.0000 22.3 0.0000
Full Model
2 66 0.7225 85.91 0.0000

The full model fit value of R^2 shows a value of 72 % when an analysis is done for all three commodities

A two way R squared analysis between gold and crude oil is shown below ;-

Gold (Rs in Lakhs)/Lots Crude Oil (Rs. In Lakhs)/Lots Fitted Residual
554577.04 57630.65 4033523.16 -3478946.12
692900.02 132362.24 4128321.1 -3435421.08
513792.54 275824.58 4310304.85 -3796512.31
696960.07 403515.63 4472282.53 -3775322.46
848613.35 1025834.1 5261701.2 -4413087.85
994230.52 1955893.08 6441492.5 -5447261.98
953765.39 2740941.84 7437336.56 -6483571.17
2414181.78 2688590.89 7370928.73 -4956746.95
2199385.07 2010215.72 6510401.44 -4311016.37
2608423.58 1450380.75 5800243.87 -3191820.29
4894473.86 1029696.14 5266600.24 -372126.38
6556802.61 948291.3 5163337.2 1393465.41
5758718.57 1194250.92 5475340.01 283378.56
7748336.67 1330380.32 5648021.84 2100314.83
7475297.91 738551.33 4897279.45 2578018.46
10150417.59 651179.87 4786447.68 5363969.91
7717549.93 424607.95 4499038.4 3218511.53
10028712.99 614862.02 4740378.03 5288334.96
8074195.27 836074.24 5020988.47 3053206.8
8681169.95 1275558.91 5578480.2 3102689.75
7805387.14 1679149.03 6090439.26 1714947.88
7008183.53 1699163.27 6115827.57 892355.96
4840012.05 1640493.16 6041403.81 -1201391.76
5645149.58 2529211.67 7168754.22 -1523604.64
6308839.1 2730830.15 7424509.75 -1115670.65
7022558.62 3325369.62 8178690.42 -1156131.8
4408963.36 2538789.71 7180904.08 -2771940.72
5381761.44 2444850.23 7061740.69 -1679979.25
4719385.77 2791854.09 7501919.37 -2782533.6
4829088.89 3512484.88 8416048.44 -3586959.55
4229747.79 4071387.43 9125023.23 -4895275.44
5810271.62 3176323.04 7989622.99 -2179351.37
8285033.18 4684780.59 9903120.03 -1618086.85
10386144.1 5154108.34 10498468.08 -112323.98
7759148.93 5153276.59 10497412.99 -2738264.06
16669925.31 4671822.02 9886681.92 6783243.39
14260015.15 4468044.92 9628188.15 4631827
13868565.59 5275426.22 10652361.31 3216204.28
10250063.16 5446577.38 10869468.67 -619405.51
10579252.85 9230304 15669172.64 -5089919.79
13113103.07 11287930.81 18279297.67 -5166194.6
20076066.06 10822279.05 17688612.66 2387453.4
16215325.61 7502891.61 13477928.68 2737396.93
21524528.53 8953858.65 15318498.3 6206030.23
16871983.04 6138823.07 11747590.88 5124392.16
13718417.16 5377674.75 10782064.83 2936352.33
16907140.81 6771616.16 12550296.73 4356844.08
21051503.32 7938402.13 14030379.15 7021124.17
23338041.32 6849426.38 12648999.96 10689041.36
27457088.19 10782770.57 17638495.66 9818592.53
15955495.1 9238346.15 15679374.21 276120.89
14787281.64 9712546.9 16280903.72 -1493622.08
13883118.96 11477869.1 18520236.74 -4637117.78
11108629.67 12887544.02 20308426.79 -9199797.12
9010227.1 11608057.38 18685382.18 -9675155.08
14016511.44 9671127.28 16228362.42 -2211850.98
13916734.13 10851078.38 17725144.97 -3808410.84
19219496.25 10802349.01 17663331.16 1556165.09
24053481.19 9201447.36 15632567.63 8420913.56
17801540.04 7473491.39 13440634.14 4360905.9
19349438.54 9057913.3 15450492.91 3898945.63
19118760.08 9922781.06 16547588.35 2571171.73
16279630.38 10553054.42 17347097.89 -1067467.51
24456913.5 12420880.72 19716458.63 4740454.87
26575953.66 12771847.37 20161664.16 6414289.5
24563715.66 15920474.97 24155737.18 407978.48
19092471.64 16887973.8 25383021.4 -6290549.76
20256126.44 16708048.76 25154784.26 -4898657.82
12299375.15 8436735.54 14662521.24 -2363146.09





Model Term Coefficient DoF Error_DoF F[Type I] P[Type I] F[Type III] p[Type III]
Intercept 3960417.97

Crude Oil (Rs. In Lakhs)/Lots 1.27 1 67 0.6287 113.45 0.0000 113.45 0.0000
Full Model
1 67 0.6287 113.45 0.0000

The above R^2 analysis provides the equation

Gold (Rs in Lakhs)/Lots=3960417.97+1.27CrudeOil

This equation indicates that the price of Gold  from the year 2004  was 3960418(lakhs per lot) which is represented by the coefficient of the equation.
This equation also indicates that with a unit increase in the crude oil price will cause a 127 % increase in the gold prices
The R square of determination is approx 63 % which indicates a good sample of information of the population

A two analysis between silver and crude oil is shown below ;-

Silver(Rs in Lakhs)/Lots Crude Oil (Rs. In Lakhs)/Lots Fitted Residual
1311280.45 57630.65 2671966.81 -1360686.36
1492926 132362.24 2720938.35 -1228012.35
1391875.57 275824.58 2814949.1 -1423073.53
1361542.78 403515.63 2898624.93 -1537082.15
1530791.54 1025834.1 3306429.68 -1775638.14
1083342.58 1955893.08 3915896.51 -2832553.93
1270751.68 2740941.84 4430338.28 -3159586.6
1807579.75 2688590.89 4396032.75 -2588453
2422228.53 2010215.72 3951494.09 -1529265.56
2368303.4 1450380.75 3584634.73 -1216331.33
3223181.11 1029696.14 3308960.47 -85779.36
3494238.83 948291.3 3255615.95 238622.88
1938536.58 1194250.92 3416793.07 -1478256.49
3896481.39 1330380.32 3505998.55 390482.84
7207205.98 738551.33 3118173.53 4089032.45
6071277.89 651179.87 3060919.09 3010358.8
4258583.65 424607.95 2912446.71 1346136.94
3598952.08 614862.02 3037120.04 561832.04
4779742.73 836074.24 3182080.21 1597662.52
4868747.28 1275558.91 3470074.13 1398673.15
4294365.09 1679149.03 3734546.38 559818.71
4379644.26 1699163.27 3747661.69 631982.57
4676568.52 1640493.16 3709215.22 967353.3
5585620.84 2529211.67 4291591.68 1294029.16
5529072.42 2730830.15 4423712.1 1105360.32
5944265.01 3325369.62 4813313.29 1130951.72
4388504.49 2538789.71 4297868.16 90636.33
3873709.88 2444850.23 4236309.71 -362599.83
4038947.14 2791854.09 4463701.03 -424753.89
3539597.49 3512484.88 4935929.76 -1396332.27
4387989.95 4071387.43 5302178.11 -914188.16
4222007.29 3176323.04 4715643.2 -493635.91
5239697.55 4684780.59 5704134.11 -464436.56
6628808.93 5154108.34 6011684.17 617124.76
4046305.1 5153276.59 6011139.13 -1964834.03
7085404.22 4671822.02 5695642.37 1389761.85
7292145.03 4468044.92 5562107.41 1730037.62
9216822.67 5275426.22 6091183.67 3125639
6453967.32 5446577.38 6203338.88 250628.44
5560380.3 9230304 8682811.61 -3122431.31
6558813.86 11287930.81 10031172.66 -3472358.8
8494148.23 10822279.05 9726031.47 -1231883.24
7401530.05 7502891.61 7550839.79 -149309.74
8931120.14 8953858.65 8501657.22 429462.92
6926098.73 6138823.07 6656966.87 269131.86
4959711.67 5377674.75 6158187.04 -1198475.37
5100578.99 6771616.16 7071635.63 -1971056.64
6776131.8 7938402.13 7836229.45 -1060097.65
7803863.21 6849426.38 7122624.6 681238.61
7749670.76 10782770.57 9700141.59 -1950470.83
5494679.24 9238346.15 8688081.63 -3193402.39
6631683.55 9712546.9 8998824.96 -2367141.41
9469903.46 11477869.1 10155639.05 -685735.59
5741728.91 12887544.02 11079397.79 -5337668.88
7520559.45 11608057.38 10240951.32 -2720391.87
11028454.07 9671127.28 8971682.72 2056771.35
10479374.66 10851078.38 9744903.64 734471.02
12602072.36 10802349.01 9712971.33 2889101.03
11794199.6 9201447.36 8663901.88 3130297.72
10482991.43 7473491.39 7531573.85 2951417.58
11954575.34 9057913.3 8569844.14 3384731.2
10970500.76 9922781.06 9136591.22 1833909.54
9914325.4 10553054.42 9549608.8 364716.6
12532951.8 12420880.72 10773593.74 1759358.06
13589497.77 12771847.37 11003581.88 2585915.89
12518705.45 15920474.97 13066874.78 -548169.33
13991490.84 16887973.8 13700875.92 290614.92
14978165.88 16708048.76 13582971.2 1395194.68
13124421.01 8436735.54 8162786.9 4961634.11

Model Term Coefficient DoF Error_DoF F[Type I] P[Type I] F[Type III] p[Type III]
Intercept 2634201.49

Crude Oil (Rs. In Lakhs)/Lots 0.66 1 67 0.6901 149.19 0.0000 149.19 0.0000
Full Model
1 67 0.6901 149.19 0.0000

You arrive at an equation :-

Silver(Rs in Lakhs)/Lots=2634201.49 + 0.66Crude Oil

This equation indicates that the price of silver from the year 2004 was 2634201.49(lakhs per lot) which is represented by the coefficient of the equation without considering other factors.
This equation also indicates that with a unit increase in the crude oil price will cause a 66 % increase in the silver prices
The R square of determination is approx 70 % which indicates a good sample of information of the population.

Similarly when you do the R square analysis between Silver and Gold you get

Silver(Rs in Lakhs)

Model Term Coefficient DoF Error_DoF F[Type I] P[Type I] F[Type III] p[Type III]
Intercept 1764630.66

Gold (Rs in Lakhs) 0.41 1 67 0.6980 154.84 0.0000 154.84 0.0000
Full Model
1 67 0.6980 154.84 0.0000

Silver(Rs in Lakhs)=1764630.66+0.41Gold(Rs in Lakhs)

This equation indicates that the price of silver from the year 2004 the silver price was 1764630.66(lakhs per lot) which is represented by the coefficient of the equation.
This equation also indicates that with a unit increase in the gold price will cause a 41 % increase in the silver prices
The R square of determination is approx 70 % which indicates a good sample of information of the population.

The Chi Square analysis is shown below :-

Crude Oil (Rs. In Lakhs) Gold (Rs in Lakhs) Silver(Rs in Lakhs) Total

57630.65 554577.04 1311280.45 1865857.49

132362.24 692900.02 1492926 2185826.02

275824.58 513792.54 1391875.57 1905668.11

403515.63 696960.07 1361542.78 2058502.85

1025834.1 848613.35 1530791.54 2379404.89

1955893.08 994230.52 1083342.58 2077573.1

2740941.84 953765.39 1270751.68 2224517.07

2688590.89 2414181.78 1807579.75 4221761.53

2010215.72 2199385.07 2422228.53 4621613.6

1450380.75 2608423.58 2368303.4 4976726.98

1029696.14 4894473.86 3223181.11 8117654.97

948291.3 6556802.61 3494238.83 10051041.44

1194250.92 5758718.57 1938536.58 7697255.15

1330380.32 7748336.67 3896481.39 11644818.06

738551.33 7475297.91 7207205.98 14682503.89

651179.87 10150417.59 6071277.89 16221695.48

424607.95 7717549.93 4258583.65 11976133.58

614862.02 10028712.99 3598952.08 13627665.07

836074.24 8074195.27 4779742.73 12853938

1275558.91 8681169.95 4868747.28 13549917.23

1679149.03 7805387.14 4294365.09 12099752.23

1699163.27 7008183.53 4379644.26 11387827.79

1640493.16 4840012.05 4676568.52 9516580.57

2529211.67 5645149.58 5585620.84 11230770.42

2730830.15 6308839.1 5529072.42 11837911.52

3325369.62 7022558.62 5944265.01 12966823.63

2538789.71 4408963.36 4388504.49 8797467.85

2444850.23 5381761.44 3873709.88 9255471.32

2791854.09 4719385.77 4038947.14 8758332.91

3512484.88 4829088.89 3539597.49 8368686.38

4071387.43 4229747.79 4387989.95 8617737.74

3176323.04 5810271.62 4222007.29 10032278.91

4684780.59 8285033.18 5239697.55 13524730.73

5154108.34 10386144.1 6628808.93 17014953.03

5153276.59 7759148.93 4046305.1 11805454.03

4671822.02 16669925.31 7085404.22 23755329.53

4468044.92 14260015.15 7292145.03 21552160.18

5275426.22 13868565.59 9216822.67 23085388.26

5446577.38 10250063.16 6453967.32 16704030.48

9230304 10579252.85 5560380.3 16139633.15

11287930.81 13113103.07 6558813.86 19671916.93

10822279.05 20076066.06 8494148.23 28570214.29

7502891.61 16215325.61 7401530.05 23616855.66

8953858.65 21524528.53 8931120.14 30455648.67

6138823.07 16871983.04 6926098.73 23798081.77

5377674.75 13718417.16 4959711.67 18678128.83

6771616.16 16907140.81 5100578.99 22007719.8

7938402.13 21051503.32 6776131.8 27827635.12

6849426.38 23338041.32 7803863.21 31141904.53

10782770.57 27457088.19 7749670.76 35206758.95

9238346.15 15955495.1 5494679.24 21450174.34

9712546.9 14787281.64 6631683.55 21418965.19

11477869.1 13883118.96 9469903.46 23353022.42

12887544.02 11108629.67 5741728.91 16850358.58

11608057.38 9010227.1 7520559.45 16530786.55

9671127.28 14016511.44 11028454.07 25044965.51

10851078.38 13916734.13 10479374.66 24396108.79

10802349.01 19219496.25 12602072.36 31821568.61

9201447.36 24053481.19 11794199.6 35847680.79

7473491.39 17801540.04 10482991.43 28284531.47

9057913.3 19349438.54 11954575.34 31304013.88

9922781.06 19118760.08 10970500.76 30089260.84

10553054.42 16279630.38 9914325.4 26193955.78

12420880.72 24456913.5 12532951.8 36989865.3

12771847.37 26575953.66 13589497.77 40165451.43

15920474.97 24563715.66 12518705.45 37082421.11

16887973.8 19092471.64 13991490.84 33083962.48

16708048.76 20256126.44 14978165.88 35234292.32

8436735.54 12299375.15 13124421.01 25423796.16

Total 775648099.55 441283341.72 1216931441.27

Expected Gold (Rs in Lakhs) Silver(Rs in Lakhs)

57630.65 1189260.76 676596.73

132362.24 1393202.39 792623.63

275824.58 1214635.27 691032.84

403515.63 1312049.12 746453.73

1025834.1 1516585.75 862819.14

1955893.08 1324204.12 753368.98

2740941.84 1417863.31 806653.76

2688590.89 2690867.53 1530894

2010215.72 2945725.36 1675888.24

1450380.75 3172067.62 1804659.36

1029696.14 5174033.18 2943621.79

948291.3 6406335.58 3644705.86

1194250.92 4906078.62 2791176.53

1330380.32 7422177.36 4222640.7

738551.33 9358338.4 5324165.49

651179.87 10339388.76 5882306.72

424607.95 7633351.34 4342782.24

614862.02 8686004.94 4941660.13

836074.24 8192846.57 4661091.43

1275558.91 8636450 4913467.23

1679149.03 7712143.43 4387608.8

1699163.27 7258376.84 4129450.95

1640493.16 6065680.76 3450899.81

2529211.67 7158271.57 4072498.85

2730830.15 7545251.33 4292660.19

3325369.62 8264797.64 4702025.99

2538789.71 5607332.5 3190135.35

2444850.23 5899254.88 3356216.44

2791854.09 5582388.66 3175944.25

3512484.88 5334035.65 3034650.73

4071387.43 5492776.07 3124961.67

3176323.04 6394376.71 3637902.2

4684780.59 8620396.62 4904334.11

5154108.34 10844995.48 6169957.55

5153276.59 7524563.56 4280890.47

4671822.02 15141178.52 8614151.01

4468044.92 13736921.83 7815238.35

5275426.22 14714171.17 8371217.09

5446577.38 10646819.58 6057210.9

9230304 10287083.85 5852549.3

11287930.81 12538491.87 7133425.06

10822279.05 18210091.11 10360123.18

7502891.61 15052918.01 8563937.65

8953858.65 19411829.8 11043818.87

6138823.07 15168427.96 8629653.81

5377674.75 11905070.93 6773057.9

6771616.16 14027286.55 7980433.25

7938402.13 17736785.79 10090849.33

6849426.38 19849235.75 11292668.78

10782770.57 22440093.78 12766665.17

9238346.15 13671918.07 7778256.27

9712546.9 13652025.97 7766939.22

11477869.1 14884755.91 8468266.51

12887544.02 10740086.23 6110272.35

11608057.38 10536397.32 5994389.23

9671127.28 15963167.06 9081798.45

10851078.38 15549598.59 8846510.2

10802349.01 20282440.23 11539128.38

9201447.36 22848604.72 12999076.07

7473491.39 18028002.51 10256528.96

9057913.3 19952561.05 11351452.83

9922781.06 19178301.42 10910959.42

10553054.42 16695510.8 9498444.98

12420880.72 23576610.6 13413254.7

12771847.37 25600666.57 14564784.86

15920474.97 23635603.85 13446817.26

16887973.8 21087065.18 11996897.3

16708048.76 22457643.01 12776649.31

8436735.54 16204626.25 9219169.91

(O-E)²/E Gold (Rs in Lakhs) Silver(Rs in Lakhs) Total

57630.65 338717.5 595367.1 934084.6

132362.24 352011.61 618734.29 970745.9

275824.58 404385.2 710791.88 1115177.08

403515.63 288353.94 506842.58 795196.52

1025834.1 294205.01 517127.06 811332.07

1955893.08 82224.92 144527.55 226752.47

2740941.84 151909.48 267012.8 418922.28

2688590.89 28449.94 50006.73 78456.67

2010215.72 189095.64 332375.28 521470.92

1450380.75 100153.79 176041.32 276195.11

1029696.14 15104.93 26550.09 41655.02

948291.3 3534.05 6211.84 9745.89

1194250.92 148182.48 260461.81 408644.28

1330380.32 14332.71 25192.74 39525.45

738551.33 378896.48 665990.1 1044886.58

651179.87 3453.79 6070.77 9524.56

424607.95 928.74 1632.46 2561.2

614862.02 207559.74 364829.81 572389.54

836074.24 1718.34 3020.35 4738.69

1275558.91 231.56 407.02 638.58

1679149.03 1127.36 1981.58 3108.94

1699163.27 8624.06 15158.6 23782.66

1640493.16 247666.15 435325.24 682991.39

2529211.67 319845.11 562194.91 882040.02

2730830.15 202606.27 356123.04 558729.31

3325369.62 186714.53 328189.97 514904.5

2538789.71 256109.05 450165.41 706274.46

2444850.23 45395.47 79792.07 125187.54

2791854.09 133414.93 234504.74 367919.67

3512484.88 47800.81 84019.96 131820.77

4071387.43 290425.17 510483.2 800908.37

3176323.04 53356.06 93784.48 147140.54

4684780.59 13046.81 22932.5 35979.31

5154108.34 19413.99 34124.16 53538.14

5153276.59 7313.42 12854.87 20168.29

4671822.02 154351.71 271305.52 425657.23

4468044.92 19919.06 35011.94 54931

5275426.22 48595.93 85417.54 134013.47

5446577.38 14785.23 25988.14 40773.37

9230304 8298.05 14585.56 22883.61

11287930.81 26333.15 46286.04 72619.2

10822279.05 191205.11 336083.12 527288.23

7502891.61 89762.76 157776.89 247539.64

8953858.65 229936.9 404162.36 634099.26

6138823.07 191325.03 336293.9 527618.93

5377674.75 276203.69 485485.96 761689.65

6771616.16 591244.82 1039236.88 1630481.7

7938402.13 619466.93 1088843.16 1708310.1

6849426.38 613210.73 1077846.57 1691057.3

10782770.57 1121663.44 1971558.94 3093222.39

9238346.15 381418.61 670423.28 1051841.89

9712546.9 94403.97 165934.79 260338.76

11477869.1 67402.96 118474.85 185877.8

12887544.02 12646.48 22228.84 34875.32

11608057.38 221061.85 388562.61 609624.46

9671127.28 237388.24 417259.66 654647.9

10851078.38 171467.21 301389.62 472856.83

10802349.01 55705.82 97914.67 153620.48

9201447.36 63536.8 111679.27 175216.07

7473491.39 2844.76 5000.25 7845.01

9057913.3 18231.08 32044.95 50276.03

9922781.06 184.85 324.92 509.77

10553054.42 10359.46 18208.93 28568.39

12420880.72 32868.73 57773.69 90642.42

12771847.37 37154.69 65307.17 102461.86

15920474.97 36444.66 64059.14 100503.8

16887973.8 188665.58 331619.36 520284.94

16708048.76 215814.06 379338.52 595152.58

8436735.54 941150.13 1654268.91 2595419.04

Total 11821361.54 20778524.23 32599885.77

Variance calcs Gold (Rs in Lakhs) Silver(Rs in Lakhs)

57630.65 0 0 0 0 0
132362.24 0 1492926 1492926 2185826.02 2185826.02
275824.58 0 2783751.14 2783751.14 3811336.22 7622672.44
403515.63 0 4084628.34 4084628.34 6175508.55 18526525.65
1025834.1 0 6123166.16 6123166.16 9517619.56 38070478.24
1955893.08 0 5416712.9 5416712.9 10387865.5 51939327.5
2740941.84 0 7624510.08 7624510.08 13347102.42 80082614.52
2688590.89 0 12653058.25 12653058.25 29552330.71 206866314.97
2010215.72 0 19377828.24 19377828.24 36972908.8 295783270.4
1450380.75 0 21314730.6 21314730.6 44790542.82 403114885.38
1029696.14 0 32231811.1 32231811.1 81176549.7 811765497
948291.3 0 38436627.13 38436627.13 110561455.84 1216176014.24
1194250.92 0 23262438.96 23262438.96 92367061.8 1108404741.6
1330380.32 0 50654258.07 50654258.07 151382634.78 1967974252.14
738551.33 0 100900883.72 100900883.72 205555054.46 2877770762.44
651179.87 0 91069168.35 91069168.35 243325432.2 3649881483
424607.95 0 68137338.4 68137338.4 191618137.28 3065890196.48
614862.02 0 61182185.36 61182185.36 231670306.19 3938395205.23
836074.24 0 86035369.14 86035369.14 231370884 4164675912
1275558.91 0 92506198.32 92506198.32 257448427.37 4891520120.03
1679149.03 0 85887301.8 85887301.8 241995044.6 4839900892
1699163.27 0 91972529.46 91972529.46 239144383.59 5022032055.39
1640493.16 0 102884507.44 102884507.44 209364772.54 4606024995.88
2529211.67 0 128469279.32 128469279.32 258307719.66 5941077552.18
2730830.15 0 132697738.08 132697738.08 284109876.48 6818637035.52
3325369.62 0 148606625.25 148606625.25 324170590.75 8104264768.75
2538789.71 0 114101116.74 114101116.74 228734164.1 5947088266.6
2444850.23 0 104590166.76 104590166.76 249897725.64 6747238592.28
2791854.09 0 113090519.92 113090519.92 245233321.48 6866533001.44
3512484.88 0 102648327.21 102648327.21 242691905.02 7038065245.58
4071387.43 0 131639698.5 131639698.5 258532132.2 7755963966
3176323.04 0 130882225.99 130882225.99 311000646.21 9641020032.51
4684780.59 0 167670321.6 167670321.6 432791383.36 13849324267.52
5154108.34 0 218750694.69 218750694.69 561493449.99 18529283849.67
5153276.59 0 137574373.4 137574373.4 401385437.02 13647104858.68
4671822.02 0 247989147.7 247989147.7 831436533.55 29100278674.25
4468044.92 0 262517221.08 262517221.08 775877766.48 27931599593.28
5275426.22 0 341022438.79 341022438.79 854159365.62 31603896527.94
5446577.38 0 245250758.16 245250758.16 634753158.24 24120620013.12
9230304 0 216854831.7 216854831.7 629445692.85 24548382021.15
11287930.81 0 262352554.4 262352554.4 786876677.2 31475067088
10822279.05 0 348260077.43 348260077.43 1171378785.89 48026530221.49
7502891.61 0 310864262.1 310864262.1 991907937.72 41660133384.24
8953858.65 0 384038166.02 384038166.02 1309592892.81 56312494390.83
6138823.07 0 304748344.12 304748344.12 1047115597.88 46073086306.72
5377674.75 0 223187025.15 223187025.15 840515797.35 37823210880.75
6771616.16 0 234626633.54 234626633.54 1012355110.8 46568335096.8
7938402.13 0 318478194.6 318478194.6 1307898850.64 61471245980.08
6849426.38 0 374585434.08 374585434.08 1494811417.44 71750948037.12
10782770.57 0 379733867.24 379733867.24 1725131188.55 84531428238.95
9238346.15 0 274733962 274733962 1072508717 53625435850
9712546.9 0 338215861.05 338215861.05 1092367224.69 55710728459.19
11477869.1 0 492434979.92 492434979.92 1214357165.84 63146572623.68
12887544.02 0 304311632.23 304311632.23 893069004.74 47332657251.22
11608057.38 0 406110210.3 406110210.3 892662473.7 48203773579.8
9671127.28 0 606564973.85 606564973.85 1377473103.05 75761020667.75
10851078.38 0 586844980.96 586844980.96 1366182092.24 76506197165.44
10802349.01 0 718318124.52 718318124.52 1813829410.77 103388276413.89
9201447.36 0 684063576.8 684063576.8 2079165485.82 120591598177.56
7473491.39 0 618496494.37 618496494.37 1668787356.73 98458454047.07
9057913.3 0 717274520.4 717274520.4 1878240832.8 112694449968
9922781.06 0 669200546.36 669200546.36 1835444911.24 111962139585.64
10553054.42 0 614688174.8 614688174.8 1624025258.36 100689566018.32
12420880.72 0 789575963.4 789575963.4 2330361513.9 146812775375.7
12771847.37 0 869727857.28 869727857.28 2570588891.52 164517689057.28
15920474.97 0 813715854.25 813715854.25 2410357372.15 156673229189.75
16887973.8 0 923438395.44 923438395.44 2183541523.68 144113740562.88
16708048.76 0 1003537113.96 1003537113.96 2360697585.44 158166738224.48
8436735.54 0 892460628.68 892460628.68 1728818138.88 117559633443.84

0 19414975823.1 15.95 44.58 2278.73

0 441283341.72 0.36

0 441283341.72 0.36

General Association
c ²(68) = 32599885.77 0.0000
MH Ordinal Association
c ²(1) = 801292.17 0.0000

The 2 way ANNOVA shows -


Source of Variation df Mean Square F p>F
Crude Oil (Rs. In Lakhs) 68 54951713038872.9 4.93 0.0000
Column 1 810143415063145 72.69 0.0000
Error 68 11145500746394.7


Carrying out a time regression analysis we get

Model Term Coefficient DoF Error_DoF F[Type I] P[Type I] F[Type III] p[Type III]
Intercept 684785.31

Time Period(Month) 272810.64 1 66 0.7249 173.9 0.0000 23.26 0.0000
Crude Oil (Rs. In Lakhs)/Lots 0.18 1 66 0.0075 0.5 0.4831 0.5 0.4831
Full Model
2 66 0.7255 87.2 0.0000

Gold (Rs in Lakhs)/Lots=272810TimePeriod + 0.18Crude Oil(Rs in Lakhs)/Lot
The time equation indicates that for every additional month a unit increase in the crude oil prices will cause an 18 percent increase of the gold prices ignoring the other variables for the regression analysis.

The above analysis concludes the following :-

  • The information for the analysis are real time data picked from MCX India.
  • Regression Analysis was carried out using both correlation regression , multiple regression and time regression
  • The p values for all analysis were < 0.05 which indicated good quality of sampling of data chosen for the analysis
  • The R square values of the analysis indicated that there does exist a positive correlation between the bullion prices and the oil prices . This can also be confirmed by the trend analysis graphs.
  • Silver is replacing gold as a substitute commodity in the MCX markets.
  • There could be distortion in the analysis due to other parameters such as influence of world markets, seasonal demands and forex markets to name a few. 
